


Yes. We need to start at the top. Your team is as only as good as the direction it receives. Jane Smith Training will ask what your business strategy is for the next year to 18-months. Every team needs a strategy and needs to know where it is going, and what is expected. When you invest some time in getting this part right, the results are phenomenal, and can be achieved quickly.

Team leaders have to know how to take personal responsibility for direction and be clear themselves on where the company is going.

We take time to learn about your company, the individual roles of your team members, and their personalities. This means your workshop is tailor made for you and your team.

Together we can get the best out of yourself and your people, giving managers and leaders the skills and confidence to allow strategic thinking, whilst maintaining high performing team members on a day to day basis.

We can highlight: time management; coaching; delegation, and much more. You tell us what you need and we will cover it. Learn how to lead and manage your team without the stress. Our courses are great for newly appointed managers through to anyone requiring a refresher.

We use industry approved and recognised techniques to complete 360° feedback on you and your team. We examine the main competencies that make the difference between a middling and truly successful leader. This will ensure your team operates efficiently and communicates properly.