

Be the kind of leader that grows and inspires your company

Leadership and growth go hand in hand. Businesses are crying out for the right leaders; ones who can inspire but who have the right up to date skills. We have helped train many leaders and managers our my careers, and we can say emphatically that good leadership can be taught and enhanced.

Don’t confuse leadership with charisma. There are some people who are naturally gifted, but like most skills, this one can be taught and developed. And practicing the points we teach will help improve your business in a multitude of ways.

Growth is a big priority for all businesses as we are emerging from one of the longest recessions across the globe. Without good leaders, businesses cannot grow effectively. You need to know where your company is heading.

Organisations that are succeeding place a strong emphasis on consideration for changing business needs, and the right kind of leadership is evident when a company is going through a period of transition or upheaval.

Demonstrating expertise, and being transparent in the information given is vital. Managers can be accused of abusing their power so, again, efforts have to be made to show trust is warranted.

We’ve mentioned communication before in previous blogs, and it is one that is an important theme for us, and frequently mentioned in our workshops. Being open and honest and translating the company’s status to employees is a key part in retaining loyalty and eventually, profit.

Why are top bosses reluctant to share?

When we ask clients why they are reluctant to share updates with colleagues, people may shift uncomfortably in their seats, but the responses are largely the same. They don’t know how their employees will react to the truth, and if speaking out too early could affect their share price. Our argument is if it is going to come out anyway, get out in front of it and share the information. In the long run the damage will be less than that created by the rumour mill.

Listening to your staff.

Everyone has a different motivation for being at work, so listen to your staff. Thank and reward employees for their hard work, with something that means something to them. Lavish, generic awards ceremonies can be seen as a chance for senior staff to pat themselves on the back, or even as a tax write-off. Think about giving employees their birthday off, or allowing them to attend their children’s sports days or activities guilt-free. Those are things that will be cherished and remembered.