

Negotiation – Ten steps to improve your pitch and close the deal

Today the art of negotiation is a great skill to have. This talent can be developed and honed, but for those who are just starting out, then there are a few simple steps to remember. Find out how the rules and your sales negotiation skills should go more smoothly.

1. Know your client. It takes time to build any relationship, but knowing your client and knowing their needs is an essential part of the groundwork ahead of any negotiation. What matters to them? What are their values? What inspires them?

2. Be prepared. Again, do your research. You need to know what meeting you are going in to, and what’s up for discussion. Sometimes it helps to think out before hand what your visitor might say. Role play in your head their potential responses to your requests, and how you might handle that. You will be calmer and more confident going into the meeting, if you have considered a variety of outcomes.

3. Be focussed. If you know in your head where you can and can’t compromise, you will know where to be flexible, and have confidence in asking for exactly what you want. This isn’t about greed, you are running a business.

4. Negotiate, don’t argue. The best solution is where both parties walk away with a great deal. Remember to listen.

5. Flexibility. We’ve often seen people back themselves into a corner, by issuing final demands or offers. But this means they have nowhere to go. Leave some wiggle room but be clear on what you want. Don’t assume something is non-negotiable, but at the same time remember what your best alternative is.

6. The bottom line. Remember, it’s not just about the price! If you come down on cost, you can always offer other deals and services, and recoup that way.

7. Mannerisms. Don’t talk too much or be too loud, or brash. You are representing a way of life, not selling a beaten up 1977 Chevrolet Caprice.

8. Location of meeting. Think and plan where you are meeting your clients and if possible, look round the room first. You do not want to negotiate in the hotel lobby, squashed on a sofa, and compete for attention if there is a disgruntled guest shouting at staff. Neither do you want to be in a room above a noisy kitchen. Your surroundings say a lot about the thought and attention you are willing to give a client.

9. Write it all down. Take notes, because it is easy for people to walk away as it is easy for people to make assumptions about what has been agreed. Confirm in writing the points agreed at the meeting, and then when it comes to signing, read and re-read again. Take the same diligence you would as though it were a personal document.

10. Be professional to the end. Maintain your confidence and if you say you are going to email, or call later that day – do so.

Follow these rules and your negotiations should go more smoothly. To find out how our Negotiation workshops can help please get in touch.