

Negotiation and Customer Service

The best outcome in a negotiation is where both sides walk away with a smile on their faces. Remember, negotiation needn’t be combative (you’re not a gladiator fighting in an amphitheater).

But how to negotiate effectively? There are key strategies and techniques which we will teach your staff, and show them how to use skills practically.

They will have a clearer understanding of the negotiation process, and have the confidence to enter a negotiation, fully prepared.

Listening and understanding. Remember, everything can be up for debate in a negotiation; why rule something out and risk losing a sale? We’ll teach your staff how to use their own skills to the best advantage, and learn to influence and persuade, and learn how to influence the actions of others.

Know your customer and be prepared ahead of the meeting. We’ll give staff the confidence to respond to whatever is thrown at them during the meeting, and to be in the strongest position possible.

Building these relationships, and creating a set of values helps foster good links, and leads to a deeper business connection.